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Diane Smith-Sadak, U.S.A

Having just completed 16 years of teaching at Towson University in Baltimore, MD, actor and director Diane Smith-Sadak has performed and taught all over the world, including Australia, India, Russia, Italy, Greece, England and France. In France, she is an artistic associate of the Centre de Voix Internationale de Roy Hart, where she has drawn working and teaching influences from the so-called Unchained Voice.  She is a certified 3rd level Reiki practitioner, a certified teacher of Viyasa Power Flow yoga, and the international dance/fitness movement, Zumba.  Smith-Sadak's research passions have been in the integration of body and voice with advanced forms of movement to create a more well-rounded and physically present actor.  She also specializes in individual and group devised theatre, getting to the highest forms of Personal Myth and Character Archetype.  She lives in York, Pennsylvania, USA.

"Suzuki Training For the Actor: A diagnostic of Body, Will and Imagination"

Suzuki Trainng is a physical and vocal diagnostic for the actor's body, mind, will and imagination.  As the painter has his brushes and paints, and the dancer has her barre, and musicians have their scales all in a practice of keeping the artist "sharp", Suzuki Training as developed by Japanese director Tadashi Suzuki, asks the question:  where does the actor go for their diagnostic?  In a training developed over years in studio and rehearsal halls, and drawn from influences as wide-reaching as classical ballet and the Noh theatre, Suzuki will challenge your body to extreme limits, push your focus and skills farther than you thought possible, and answer the question, "What is my deepest reason for being on the stage?"